Oh snap!
So far on my third night here I noticed that VAUGHNlive.tv is filled with Justin.tv rejects. By rejects I mean people in one of the following categories: too cool for Justin.tv, banned from the Justin.tv service, or banging Mark Vaughn. I would like to bang Mark myself. I want to snuggle up in those bushy eyebrows. That is another blog post for another time.
Tonight I sat in Granny10,12,14,16 channel http://vaughnlive.tv/granny14 -- whateva the number. Rumor has it the numbers mean the length of maleness she likes in her 52 year old curtains. Didn't hear it from me. Word of caution y'all if you see "Pam" in a ugly flowered muumuu run out of the channel as quickly as you can. She likes to dance with no bra on and no one needs to see that chit. If I were straight and blind, I would do her though.
Picture a channel of 30 people talking sex in the chat and on skype. The ultimate of train wrecks. Amber aka PeanutButter&Jelly (Justin.tv name) and PBJ (on Vaughn) was drunk. Drinking Captain Morgan old man crap. Oh, the crap that was coming out of her mouth. She weights 189 lbs. and loves this equally as chunky guy http://vaughn.vg/ginky. (Adam)
That is all,
This woman's casts are such a bore. The Vaughn rules specifically say no explicit sexual content yet her cast is allowed and on top of that a Global mod. Talk about ridiculous. Last nights cast which was another snooze fest she mentioned she didn't want the C more mentioned in her sex chat cast. Can we say ridiculous once again? I also want to mention thank you for having a blog that isn't pussyfied like that Mr. Rogers Neighborhood blog Scuttlebutt.